Member information

Please refer to the relevant documents below for further information on member specific items.

Useful member information

At WTW we recognise that it is not always easy to balance your current financial demands with your future financial goals. That’s why we have an experienced team of advisers on hand to support you at every step of the way.

Learn more

How do I log onto the pension portal?

When you join the company pension scheme for pension benefits, you will be given online access to your LifeSight Account. For more information please read:

LifeSight – How to log onto the pension portal

Just joined LifeSight what happens now?

When you join your LifeSight Scheme, you are entitled to a Statement of Reasonable Projection (SORP). This must be provided within 8 weeks of joining the Scheme. In addition to your SORP, you will also be given an Account Number and Access Code so you can access your member record online. To see the full process please read:

Just joined a Pension Scheme – What now?

How do I transfer benefit from a previous Employer’s Pension Scheme

You have the option of transferring the value of your benefit entitlements accrued under previous Occupational Pension Schemes to your current employer’s pension scheme. To find out how to do so please read.

How to transfer benefit from a previous Employer’s Pension Scheme

How can I get financial advice from LifeSight?

Please fill in the form below with your details and email to

Download Financial Advice Form

How do I make a lump sum AVC

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) are a simple and tax efficient way for you to save for retirement. AVCs are extra contributions that you can make to increase the level of your benefits when you retire. 

Download – How to make a lump sum AVC

How do I change my investment choice?

As a member of LifeSight, you have full control over the investment of your LifeSight Account, within the suite of investment choices and strategies available under the Scheme.

Download – How to change your investment choice