
LifeSight to become the first Master Trust in Ireland to invest in private equity – allocating an initial €150 million

Dublin, 23 December 2024 — LifeSight, WTW’s Master Trust and Single Trust solution for defined contribution (DC) pension schemes in Ireland, with approximately 60,000 members...

LifeSight Ireland and WTW win big at the Irish Pensions Awards 2024 ceremony!

Dublin, 21 November 2024 — LifeSight wins Pension Administrator of the Year Award 2024 and WTW wins Pension Consultancy of the Year Award 2024. We...

PQSR – New feature available for LifeSight Master Trust clients.

We are delighted to announce that the LifeSight Ireland Master Trust has been awarded the PQSR (Pension Quality Standard Ready) award by the IAPF.

LifeSight wins DC Pension Scheme of the Year at the Pensions Age Awards 2024

London, 11 March 2024 – We are delighted to announce that LifeSight UK has been awarded the prestigious title of “DC Pension Scheme of the...

Investors in Ireland are happy to invest sustainably unless it costs them in lower financial returns, higher fees or means a later retirement

Research by LifeSight Ireland of almost 2,000 members also found that the majority of people feel financially secure and want more information on sustainable investing....

Irish Government publishes the Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill

The Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys published the general scheme of the Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings Bill on Friday, 5 April 2024. The proposed...

LifeSight wins Irish Pension Scheme of the Year Award 2023

LifeSight Ireland Master Trust wins at the Irish Pensions Awards 2023 ceremony!

LifeSight Ireland appoints Julie Davenport as Independent Director

LifeSight Ireland Trustee DAC (LITD), trustee to WTW Ireland’s defined contribution master trust pension solution for employees and employers, has announced the appointment of Julie Davenport as Independent Director.

Pension solution LifeSight reaches growth milestone in Ireland managing €2bn of workers’ savings

IRELAND, 10 August 2023 – LifeSight, a pension solution that helps businesses to offer a high-quality pension to their workforce, now has €2billion of Irish...

LifeSight welcomes Circle K into its growing master trust pension solution

DUBLIN, 29 May 2023 – Circle K, the leading forecourt and convenience retailer, has become the latest major employer in Ireland to join the innovative...

Another tool to help LifeSight member’s financial wellbeing

With 3 out of 5* employees saying financial apps and tools should be a core part of their employer’s benefit, we are pleased to launch...

Auto Enrolment vs Occupational Defined Contribution Pension Provision

There are key differences between defined contribution (DC) pension schemes and the proposed Auto Enrolment system. These are set out in the following comparison.

Learn the benefits of simplicity

Member engagement tends to be one of the first things that I raise with employers. While it is obvious to engage individuals with the importance of saving for retirement, it is also worth asking ourselves the question:

Independent Chair of LifeSight Ireland Master Trust appointed

LifeSight Ireland Trustee DAC (LITD), trustee to WTW Ireland’s defined contribution master trust pension solution for employees and employers, has announced the appointment of Ciarán Long as Independent Chair.

LifeSight Ireland commits to net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, with a 50% reduction by 2030.

LifeSight Ireland, WTW’s defined contribution master trust, announced that it is targeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its Default and lifecycle investment strategies by 2050 at the latest, with at least a 50% reduction by 2030.

What makes LifeSight Master Trust investment different?

The LifeSight Master Trust is unique in the Irish marketplace and there are several areas within Investment where we believe it stands out. We will touch on these in this article.

Pensions Authority provides update on code compliance

The Pensions Authority has published an update on various topics including the new pension benefit statement (PBS), the annual compliance statement (ACS) and the use of electronic communications to comply with disclosure requirements.

The importance of independence of a Master Trust from an investment manager.

The introduction of new governance under IORPII and the costs associated with this, have brought renewed interest in Master Trusts as a way of managing...

New Auto Enrolment System design principles announced by the Irish Government

The Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys announced finalised design principles for Ireland’s proposed Auto Enrolment pension system on 29 March 2022. Ireland is the...

IORP II – Roadmap to Master Trust for Defined Contribution Schemes?

As highlighted in our client briefing note last week, the final form of the Pensions Authority’s Code of Practice for trustees of occupational pension schemes...

Five things to consider before you move to a master trust

In this article, we discuss some key aspects to think about to help you navigate this new pension landscape.

The Importance of a Retirement Policy

The period approaching retirement is a key time for members of pension schemes, with important decisions to make that can impact the rest of their...

Ireland transposes the IORP II Directive

New regulations signed by the Minister for Social Protection begin the process of implementing the biggest change to occur in Irish pension governance in over...

Are You Retirement Ready?

Oscar Wilde is quoted as saying “When I was young, I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am...